Bench ads and waste container ads help promote your company's brand by reaching an enormous street-level demographic in El Paso: Not only bus riders, but pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and passengers.
Our bench ads are located along El Paso’s most traveled streets and major avenues, offering your brand and marketing campaign eye-level visibility to thousands of passersby.
You don’t have to be a big business to afford bench ads in El Paso. Our prices start at $100 per bench with your choice of a 6 or 12 month contract.
We have over 1,600 bench ad locations and waste containers along busy streets and popular pedestrian thoroughfares in every El Paso neighborhood.
“To be successful and grow your business you have to advertise to generate public awareness…Bench advertising is one of the most effective and affordable ways you can do this. Of course go with as many as possible.”